"Strawberry Basil Bomb" inspired by Caribbean hot sauces using fresh B.C strawberries for fruitiness, Genovese basil for a clove like spice & aromatic herbs from Prairie Gardens to round out the profile.
This hot sauce is typically found in the Caribbean and especially in Jamaica. In our Northern climate we chose seasonal fruits then used herbs that bring a mild clove and herb profile in to mimic the spice profile found with this style of hot sauce.
Ingredients: BC Strawberries, Habanero's BC Appled, BC Apple Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, Grey Salt, Genovese Basil, Pineapple Rhum, Prairie Garden Mint (Basil Mint & Strawberry Mint), PG Thyme
Strawberry Basil Bomb
Excluding GST/HST
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